When you’re better for you, you’re better for everyone.

Providing therapeutic support to children, youth & parents

I'm so glad you are here.

Welcome to this space.

The intention of my work is to create a platform that allows you to know that you are not alone. A space for you to be able to show up as you are, today. You are not alone in your struggle, in your thoughts and in your life.

One of the greatest strengths one can possess is to reach out when you need. It is my intention to provide a space for you to tap into all that is keeping you stuck, to unpack the weight of your past and to collaboratively create a way forward.

A holistic therapeutic approach is beneficial to ones healing and processing

A combination of therapeutic modalities are used to touch in on the entire self, the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual self. As there is much connection between the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, it makes sense to me that all 4 components must be included in the healing process.

I have found that within the following areas, true growth and healing can occur and I have dedicated my time to focus on building a strong base to start that journey - together.

I’m Tara

Even after working with at risk youth, it never dawned on me just how difficult it would be raising a teenager..

It was not until I had one of my own that I understood the struggle, not only his struggles as a teen but MY struggles as a Mom. Having to renegotiate my relationship as a Mother and just exactly what that meant was one of the most difficult life stages I have ever navigated. Now with my children ages 24 and 9, it is my mission to walk along side parents as well as children & teens as they navigate their path through these pivotal years.

I am a certified Youth Care Worker and Holistic Life Coach, Life Skills Counsellor and a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor offering holistic counselling services.

Work with Tara

  • 1:1 Support

    With a holistic therapeutic approach, I meet you where you are and create a safe place to heal and thrive.

  • Free Resources

    Thoughtful and actionable resources just for you! Check out this page to see which one is a fit for your current journey!

YOU MATTER Mental Health Campaign

YOU MATTER Mental Health Campaign

​This initiative was created to break the barriers that otherwise would stop someone  from getting the support they need and moreover, deserve.

Let’s talk about it.

I believe that when you are better for you, you are better for everyone. I’ve made it my mission to share this message loud and proud - with as many communities as I can. 

When you book me to speak, whether that be on stage, in a podcast interview or for an in person workshop style event, your people will leave knowing they are not alone in their struggle, their thoughts or their life.

The Journal

Beautiful insights, meaningful tips and a community of people who are exactly where you are!

Looking for a tried and tested approach to begin your journey to healing?

Book a FREE 20 minute call with me below. I want you to feel confident in your decision and to know that we have found the right guidance for you!