Bringing a holistic and gentle approach to the table

I believe that when you are better for you, you are better for everyone. I’ve made it my mission to share this message loud and proud - with as many communities as I can. 

When you book me to speak, whether that be on stage, in a podcast interview or for an in person workshop style event, your people will leave knowing they are not alone in their struggle, their thoughts or their life. Through my work as a certified Youth Care Worker and Holistic Life Coach, Life Skills Counsellor and a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor I bring a holistic and gentle approach to the table and it’s through my storytelling and compassionate manner that I am easily able to connect with most everyone in the room.  

I am especially passionate about empowering moms with my message. Having 2 kids of my own, I understand the struggle. Supporting my children as they go through their own struggles with their mental health has been one of the most difficult parts of motherhood for me. Now with my children ages 24 and 9, it is my mission to walk alongside parents as well as children & teens as they navigate their path through things like anxiety, depression, isolation, addictions, confidence, self worth, peer pressure and purpose to name a few.

Speaking Topics

Mastering Motherhood

I believe that when you heal yourself, you heal your family. This is where I most love to support moms! The ripple effect that comes from growing our awareness of self along with learning how we are triggered and what to do about it can go so much farther than you could ever imagine.  This impacts our parenting and how we show up for the people who need us the most. Parenting intentionally is something we can all get better at and I can’t wait to spill the tea about just how to navigate this in your own life!

On top of this, the overwhelm that parents experience is a silent problem that is not shared about enough, in my opinion. This leads to burnout…as we try to do all the things and be all the things that society expects from us and it’s time we start showing up differently. Let’s dive into how to alleviate burnout, but also how to work with it once it is there.

Intuition - Coming Home to Yourself

In today’s world we are inundated with information everywhere we turn. We are all looking for answers and there is no shortage of “noise” for us to tune in to. But with all this noise, we have forgotten how to tune into ourselves.  Listening to your gut and trusting yourself has become a lost art, and many of us have lost sight of who we are and what our values are.

There is too much information and online content telling us to do things a certain way, when the answers are actually inside of you. You know best - so let’s get back to calming the noise and going within. You know what you need and I’m here to remind you how to return home to you.

Navigating the Teenage Years

Let’s face it, being a teen is hard AF! It’s a time of constant change both inside and out and it can really throw you off balance if you are not equipped with the tools you need to overcome life’s challenges. Whether it is anxiety, peer pressure, lack of confidence or the demands of school and families, there is a lot for teens to navigate. I’ve got a tool kit of tried and true practices to share with teens so that they are better prepared for what life throws at them. Let’s build confidence, overcome challenges and learn how to trust ourselves when times get tough!

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