A safe place to heal, to grow, to expand and to thrive

This can feel scary, I know. 

You are brave for landing here. It is not easy to ask for help and I want you to know you are supported here. 

This is a safe place and a judgement free zone. No topics are off limits.

I’ve honestly “heard it all” so please know that nothing is too heavy or too traumatic for this space. 

Whether we meet in person or virtually, our session will be the same. I’m here to listen, guide, counsel and support you down the path on your unique journey.

The work we do together will have a ripple effect. You may want to discuss one area of your life but will notice that once we begin, other areas of your life will start to feel elevated too and this is all part of the process. And it’s beautiful when this happens. 

Through our work together, I will help you understand why certain things set you off the way they do - and why your reactions are sometimes bigger and more intense than you would like. You’ll start to see yourself (and the path you took to get here) with a bit more compassion and forgiveness, and you’ll find ways to navigate your day to day life in a more calm, peaceful state.  It is almost as if the puzzle pieces all come together and things start to make sense.

Please know that your needs are important and that I can support you in these vulnerable times in life.

Regardless of your specific needs, the support you require is available.

Book in a FREE 20 minute consultation. This will help you get a feel for how I work and what you can expect. We will talk about your needs and if we are best suited to work together. 

You landed here for a reason, so let’s find out what could come of this work together. 

Whether you are moving through a current struggle or into a new season of life, I’m here to be your guide through the work required to land somewhere new.  

My approach entails various forms of therapy to best suit your specific needs. Together, we will find the most effective techniques to support your unique journey

"It is my greatest honour to get to witness people in their truths, in their vulnerability without their armour."


Is this covered with Insurance?

Every insurance company is different - please check with your provider to ensure you are covered for Clinical Counselling. I do not direct bill. If you have any questions please reach out at tara@taraduckworth.com

How long will we work together?

There is no right or wrong answer for this. It all depends on your unique situation and desires. Typically we work together more often in the beginning to set a great foundation. From there, calls can be set based on each individuals life and needs.

Things are going good, is counselling for me?

It’s best not to fight fires when we can avoid having them start in the first place 😉. A preventative approach sets an empowering tone to your journey and we often find that your capacity for tolerance and healing is greater when therapy is used as a tool to set you up for future success!