Breaking the barriers that stop someone from getting the support they deserve.

The You Matter mental health campaign was born through passion and purpose. I feel it in my bones that giving back and supporting one another in this life is what makes it worth it.  In the area of mental health, there are three main issues that arise: accessibility, availability and affordability. 

It is my intention through this initiative to be able to offer timely counselling, virtually or in-person,  to children, teens and parents who are in current struggle and need support at no cost if necessary.

​This initiative was created to break the barriers that otherwise would stop someone  from getting the support they need and moreover, deserve.

I’m Tara

Certified Youth Care Worker, Holistic Life Coach, Life Skills Counsellor and a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor offering
holistic counselling services.

And I am so glad you are here.

Proceeds from the apparel allow me to offer pro bono services to youth in this province in the form of therapeutic counselling. It allows me to ensure some basic needs are also met for these individuals.

3 huge barriers to attaining mental health support are Accessibility, Affordability & Attainability. As a clinical therapist, with these supports, it has been my greatest honour to break a few of these barriers for folks that not only need support but moreover, deserve it.

Come support us on Instagram @youmattersk